Nature is already beautiful

My design work comes from the desire to find new ways to reflect and appreciate nature.


I believe in uniting the organic and the modern

We live in such a futuristic era - it’s never been more important to appreciate our ancient, human relationship with the natural world. Our lives should respect our roots, connecting natural beauty with modern clarity to reflect our humanity.


Our most treasured things shouldn’t be mass produced

There shouldn’t be a thousand heirlooms just like yours. We should find ways to make our things as unique as we are — especially the things we value the most.


What is Alterity.Design?

Here’s me in a lovely sweater holding a sleeping cat

Hello! I’m a designer and engineer in Bellingham, Washington. I make Jewelry, Woodworking, and handle technical services like product development, fabrication, and drafting. I’ve been a designer and engineer for about a decade.

Alterity is a project that set out to connect natural design to modern fabrication. That means learning about natural systems, recreating them with computational models, and casting, milling, or 3D printing the results. Anything in the shop that says “Generative” means that it comes from a simulation of nature, making every piece unique.

I sell things in the shop, offer design and fabrication services, and work on custom projects and commissions.